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- 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.50 Participation
The course is a primer for the practicing clinician and includes discussion about: the importance of family history and phenotype to accurate genetic diagnosis, e.g., when to order microarrays, disease gene panels, vs. whole exome vs. whole genome sequencing, use of specialized tests (i.e. suspected mosaicism, nucleotide repeat disorders), and pedigree analysis. Dr. Andrea Gropman, Chief of Neurogenetics and Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics and Attending Neurologist at Children’s National is the lead for this module.
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 2.00 Participation
The course provides an overview of ethical issues in a precision neurology world, medical-legal issues, pediatric populations, ethical challenges when dealing with specific conditions and diseases. Dr. Peter Todd, Bucky and Patti Harris Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan is the lead for this module.This course is Chapter 4 of the larger ANA Highlights Neurogenetics series available for ABPN self assessment credit. We have separated the larger course into these smaller chapters for those not interested in the full course.